We’re happy to return for our 12th year hosting Help-Portrait in Maple Ridge. We’ve served over 2,400 people in our community since our first local event in 2011. Our 2024 event will be held on Sunday, December 8th at Golden Ears United Church from 1 PM to 7 PM.
At Help-Portrait, we provide free, framed professional portraits for individuals and families in need. We also offer mini makeovers (hair and makeup), and photos are professionally shot, edited and framed, and given to our visitors on the spot. Perfect for anyone that wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford a professional portrait. Individuals, families, single parents and their kids, seniors, people experiencing homelessness and more! Great friendships have been formed over the years between volunteers and guests, as we all come together to make Help-Portrait an incredible event for all. Come and be our guest and experience something magical this holiday season!
THIS YEAR our 2024 event offers PRE-REGISTRATION.
Thanks to our generous sponsors and supporters, we will be offering the following for our visitors:
- Snacks and drinks
- Kid’s entertainment station
- Mini-makeovers, including professional makeup and hair
- Music
- Professional, edited, framed portraits
- A comfortable waiting area
- Loving, non-judgemental support and comfort
We are happy to serve those who visit us without judgement, in an inclusive, welcoming environment. However, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone acting disrespectfully, aggressively or physically/verbally abusively towards any of our volunteers or visitors.
Help-Portrait Ridge Meadows Coming Soon!

Click the button below to donate to our cause to help make this years event possible!
Download and Share our Event Poster!
Help us spread the word – we’re looking for volunteers and donations to support our event. And, of course, share it with those that you think might like to participate for a photo!